
sick day

I woke up this morning at 4:00 am feeling pretty crummy. I'm known to be an early riser...but this was a little too early. I had a bad headache and a terrible sore throat. My whole head hurt so bad, I called a sick day. Oh, that's right. It's my weekend. Ryan and I have a knack for getting sick over breaks and on weekends. You know, when you're supposed to be having fun. I did have to cancel on a few friends though. Luckily, they're pretty understanding people. My friend Hillary even suggested I get some wellness tea. What a friend. She's looking out for me even though I cancelled our scrapbooking day.

And instead of taking my cousin out to breakfast, I got to visit the doctor. My little munchins at school have been coughing, blowing their noses, and going home with stomach aches all week, so I thought I better get it checked out. I have myself a sinus infection. Lovely.
I think Mason knows that I'm not feeling like myself today. He's been a little extra cuddly.

He's even sharing his toys.
He only laughed once when the nurse told me my face was puffy. Um, thanks. I'm not feeling well, remember?
And he took a 3 1/2 hour nap. That was the best part of all:) Thank you sweet boy. I'll be back to normal soon.


Kasia i SÅ‚awek said...

Very good is to drink a glass hor beer or wine before you go sleep. Of course this is good for adults nor for children. Take care!

Hillary said...

hahaha-I bet if you drank about 4 glasses of wine you could just sleep it off. ;)

I hope you feel better soon-we missed you today! :(