Thanks for stopping by and have a happy Monday friends!
sweet little owl
Thanks for stopping by and have a happy Monday friends!
When we got home from cutting firewood yesterday we had a salad that was made completely from the greenhouse and garden. Topped with homemade croutons and made from scratch salad dressing. It was such a quick meal, which was nice since we were a little tired from all the wood splitting. It's pretty fun preparing for winter while enjoying our summer bounty:)
sweet pears
thinking of you
He's here!!
Like I mentioned, we've been enjoying our time together. We haven't gotten much done except cuddling with little Mason. Oh, and of course all the feedings, changing diapers, baths, and such. We are loving every minute. Thank you so much for all your kind thoughts and prayers as we waited for him to arrive.
getting sketchy
I do love this little ladybug and sunflower image though! Our sunflowers that we planted in various places around our little home are starting to sprout! Yeah! Next year we are thinking of planting a field of them to help out with the bees that we want to get.
Ryan and I are certainly enjoying our weekend! It's probably our last one before Baby (who still needs a name) is born!
5 years
This is the card that I made for hubby. I realize that the flowers are probably a little girly, but hopefully the gray and metal will balance it out:)
baby thanks
kiwi riding hood tangerine
Yesterday was such a rainy, lazy day. I did get a lot of cards made though. I didn't even leave the house except to water the greenhouse. I read, made peach blueberry cobbler, made granola, and added to my stash of cards. It was a productive day. I think the sun might actually peek out for a little today so I'm hoping to go for a walk.
Today is officially Baby Stover's due date! It's a little crazy to think that I've been looking at this date on the calender for 9 months and now that it's here it just feels like another day. My bag is packed and ready to go though. Just in case he decides to be punctual:) I'll keep you posted.