This one is a RAK from muzbysmom (Lynn)
My sweet sister sent me this cutie!
My aunt made this card, another family member who does a little stamping!
This arrived from hotwheels (Linda)
And this card is from my dear friend Stephanie.
Thanks for stopping by! Aren't all these cards just wonderful? Well, I woke up to a very snowy and windy morning! It's not supposed to stop until tonight. I also woke up with a sore my plan is to hang at home, rest, clean, and hopefully finish up some yarn projects. Oh, and make some cookies for my father-in-law. Depending on the weather he is coming tomorrow to help Ryan start clearing the land for our addition. It's a bummer that the snow is in the way because we are in a little bit of a time crunch. They were supposed to come put our building up in the middle of June, but we got bumped up to the end of April. So, the next few weeks are going to be a little busy for us! I'm excited to get started on the addition though!
Oh yay! Look at all of those happy birthday cards! :D You definitely have a talented family girl! Haha!
I too have been sick today. I woke up with a sever headache caused by sinus pressure and I hardly have a voice. Figures! :) I hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself and that baby!
Ooh, I love those cards!
So, as it turns out, I got your message. Actually Jimmy did. Wanna know something so pathetic I'll probably hear you laughing from here? I am SO sore from that darn video that I can hardly move. It's seriously all I can do to get off the couch. Plus I have a head cold. So today wouldn't have worked for me either. And since Jimmy is gone, I have no way to get up and get the phone to call you. HA! Actually, I could if I tried, but it hurts sooo bad. Pathetic. Sometime, we will make this work. The six of us need to all get together and do dinner sometime!
oh man! i didn't know it was your bday!!! i woke up with a sore throat that morning too and still have it today along with other signs of a cold, ugh! Love the easter pics and your belly! *hugs* hope to see you soon!
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