
Caleb James

Welcome to our family Caleb James! What a blessing this little one is!  He was born at 2:45 on May 28th.  Weighing in at 6 lbs 13 oz and 20 1/2 inches long.  

 The proud big brother and big sister.  It's been fun to watch their interactions with their new brother.  They are both such big helpers and keep a constant eye on him. 

We're settling in here at home and loving on little Caleb! 



The kids sure love helping in the greenhouse!  A few weeks ago we transplanted our tomato starts into the soil.  They seem to be doing well despite some cold nights.  Mason and Emma helped dig holes and water them.  Every morning Mason goes out to check on them.  He checks on the peas too....looking for one that he and Emma can share as a little pre-breakfast snack. 

We're still getting lots of greens.  Our cabbages that we started are sprouting.  We have a few pepper plants coming along as well.

The apple trees in the {mini} orchard are sending out lots of shoots and buds.  About half have leaves.  We transplanted lots of lilac bushes and locust trees, which are loving all the rain we've been getting.

So many little things to enjoy with the kids as they walk around checking on everything. 

Our third little bean hasn't made his/her debut yet.  We've had a few false alarms but this little one has a plan of its own!  We'll see what the doctor says today.  I don't think she'll let me go past 41 weeks, so this is the week!!


39 weeks

We're hanging right in there at 39 weeks.  Nothing crazy is happening yet. Which works great with my plan to finish the school year.  Or at least this next week.  And works with my other plan to enjoy Mason and Emma and Ryan as much as possible before our world flip flops into all things newborn. 

I'm still feeling really good.  Of course I'm tired at the end of the work day, but the weekends are great for resting.  Other than that I can't really complain.

I'm having a lot more braxton hicks than with the other two, but that doesn't seem to mean anything yet.  Little one is still moving a lot and I think that's probably my favorite part about being pregnant.  Watching and feeling my belly move. 

We really haven't decided on any names yet, but that seems to be how we do it.  We'll come up with something.  Probably at the hospital.  At least my bag is packed and the car seat is dusted off and actually in the car. 

The kids are getting excited.  We explained to them how they might wake up one morning and someone else will be here (thanks friends and family for being on call!) and mommy and daddy will be at the hospital.  Ever since then they are a little crushed in the morning...."Mommy!  The baby is still in your belly...




Came across one of my favorites from Easter. Love these people!