

Both of my kids love books.  But not usually at the same time, unless it's right before bed.  So, it's been fun to spot this happening from time to time: 

 Mason is really into these magazines (as in, "Mom...I'm really into high five!") His words not mine.  He loves the fact that he gets them in the mail.  We've gotten two issues so far and we've read them about a million times.  We've tried the recipes, made the love bug puppets, done the science experiments, found all the hidden pictures (my personal favorite) and read the stories so many times that I hear little snippets of them surfacing in their play (when they think I'm not listening.) 

I love that they can be found reading together at the most random moments.  Mason is usually in charge of the reading and Emma is along for the ride.  He likes to tell her what to do. 

The other day Ryan was out pumping gas and when he got back into the car this conversation was happening:

Mason: "Emma, you have to do what you're told.  If mommy and daddy give you a cup and you don't want it, you can't throw a fit."  (Can you tell we've been arguing over who gets what cup/plate/bowl, etc??! And it's definitely two-sided, but I guess Mason felt he needed to have a little talking to with Emma)
Emma: "Ok."
Mason: "You have to just take it."
Emma: "Ok."
Mason: "Do you promise, Emma?"
Emma: "I promise."

These two never cease to surprise us. 


one question

How many is too many? 


a closer look

It began with the cutting of trees.  I think we have a lefty on our hands. 
Then Emma found the box of lenses.  This added a whole new dimension.  And kept Emma entertained for a bit longer.   
Mason would cut a little bit and then stop and look through his lenses to "get a closer look at these lines."  

Then we got the paint out and added snow to our trees.  

Our windows are now sporting some new snowy trees.  A little weekend fun. 



Mason and Emma spent some time playing a new game.  And by playing I mean just setting up all the numbers.  Mason is our little number guy.  He loves to count.  The highest I've heard him count is to 109.  He can also count by tens. It's normal to be sitting at the table with some friends and all of a sudden hear something like "there are 5 girls here."  Or "six people are done eating."  He's always counting.  

 He's been trying to teach Emma how to count too.  They've made it to 13. 
 Mason loves this game (he calls it Tiles).  He likes to line up all the numbers. Or sort them by color. 
This particular time it was all fun and games until Emma started flailing around on her tummy scattering the tiles all over the floor.  She was having a blast, but Mason...not so much.